Bryan Tran

New portfolio, who dis?


Hey. I'm Bryan! I'm an aspiring web developer and I create websites as a hobby. I started around two months ago but have been working on sites everyday since. I work mostly on front-end projects but occasionally dabble with back-end (with Node.js). I have a knack for UI design and love being able to code my design sketches. I love learning new technologies and creating cool life-changing web applications. I am inspired by beautiful yet simple designs.

I'm currently a junior at The University of Texas at Dallas and I'm majoring in Computer Science. I'm also seeking internships for NEXT spring/summer/fall semesters as a junior web developer. So please send me an email using the link above if you are interested in recruiting me. Or email me at

Here's a list of some of my skills:
Web Design (Photoshop & Illustrator), Minimal UI Design, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Responsive Design, CSS Frameworks (Bootstrap & Semantic UI), jQuery, React.js, Node.js, Express, Databases (MongoDB), RESTful Practices, APIs, Command Lines, Github, Bash, and Heroku.

Other related programming skills: OOP, C++, Java, Swing, GUI, IRC-Bots, Android

Listen to my current favorite song on youtube:  swell - im sorry


  • GroupUpUTD

    Web Application that allows UTDallas students to register and login to create event postings on campus

    Technologies: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Passport.js, Bootstrap, jQuery, Heroku, Github

  • Mini-Overbuff

    Web Application that retrieves a Competitive Overwatch player's stats and displays top 10 players in the database

    Note: For a sample run USE "OfficerBEAR#11410"

    Technologies: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Semantic UI, jQuery, OW-API, Heroku, Github

  • What To Eat

    Web Application that generates a random food to eat for indecisive and displays a location to get it in your local area

    Technologies: Node.js, Express, Semantic UI, jQuery, Yelp-Fusion API, Heroku, Github

  • Responsive-Text

    CSS Plugin that resizes text automatically for you when downsizing web browser width. Fun fact, I'm using it for this portfolio right now

Websites & Portfolios

Code Alongs

  • Patatap Clone

    Key Button-Sound binding app using Howler.js and Paper.js, from Udemy Full-Stack Web Developer Bootcamp course by Colt Steele

  • RGB Game

    Basic JavaScript game app, from Udemy Full-Stack Web Developer Bootcamp course by Colt Steele

  • Grocery-List App

    JavaScript web app to put/markout Groceries, from a Youtube tutorial

  • Bookmarker

    Basic bookmarking app that utilizes localStorage in JavaScript, from a Youtube tutorial

  • Youtube-Search

    Basic youtube search using Youtube Search API and React.js, from Udemy React/Redux course by Stephen Grider

  • Blog App

    Anonymous blog app using Node.js to learn RESTful routing methods, from Udemy Full-Stack Web Developer Bootcamp course by Colt Steele

Non-Web Projects

  • Haters Back Off

    Hackathon Project created for the HackUTD Anti-Cyberbullying contest. This project warns users to not use foul language in IRC specific channels

  • Java GUI Calculator

    Created a GUI replica of Window's programing calculator with functional buttons, operations, and interative binary boxes